Moles, Warts & Skin Tags Removal

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

What is a Wart?

A wart is a small and rough tumor that grows on your skin, more commonly on your hands and feet. It can however grow on other parts of your body. Warts are very common and generally they are non-cancerous. A wart usually resembles a cauliflower or a blister. It's color is different from the color of the nearby skin. In fact it is usually darker or lighter than the nearby skin. Although they are usually painless, sometimes because of their location, they may itch or burn. Most of the different types of warts that exist are caused by a virus called the human papilloma virus or HPV. The human papilloma virus is contagious and so you can get it from another person. There are mainly 4 different types of warts: • Plantar • Flat • Genital • Common Plantar warts are also referred to as foot warts and are typically found on the bottom of the foot. They are usually very flat because of the pressure caused by walking. However the constant pressure forces this type to grow back inside the foot! Flat warts are smoother and much smaller than the other types of warts. They are light in color and tend to be subtle variations from the skin pigmentation. They typically occur on the arms, knees, and hands. Genital warts are a sexually transmitted disease. They can be anywhere in the genital area including the anus, penis or vagina, inside of the rectum and inside the reproductive organs. This type of warts is considered to be the most common sexually transmitted disease (STD). Common Warts are often found on or around the hands, especially in areas where the skin has been broken by ripped hangnails or broken nails. The different types of warts can be removed by various warts treatments such as: • Electrosurgery • Laser therapy • Cryosurgery • Over the Counter medications and Home Treatments In Electrosurgery an electric current is used to burn them. In Laser therapy a concentrated beam of light is used to destroy them. Cryosurgery uses very low temperatures to freeze them. Electrosurgery, laser therapy and cryosurgery are a type of surgery. These treatments often require an anesthesia and you may have to attend for more than one session to treat your warts. You will also have some discomforts after the treatment. Not all the above mentioned treatments may be adequate for all the different types of warts. Over the counter medications and home treatments are also very commonly used. These methods do not require anesthesia and can cure various type of warts. Some of these treatments produce excellent results.

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

How Do You Get Warts?

You can get warts by being infected by the human papilloma virus or HPV. A wart is in reality a non-cancerous growth caused by an infection by this type of virus.
There are many strains of the human papilloma virus and some of these types cause different type of warts. This virus is contagious and it can enter into your body from small cuts or scratches on your skin as well as by other ways.
There are many ways where you can get warts by being contaminated by HPV. In fact you can get them by:
• Direct contact with a wart of another person
• Direct contact with another person who is a carrier of the virus
• Using object that has been touched by another person that has the virus
• Sexual activity
• Frequenting certain places where the HPV dwells
Direct contact with the wart of another person may transfer the virus to your body. This is more frequent in children and adolescents than in adults. While children are playing football or other sports that require physical contact it is quite easy that they pass the virus by unconsciously touching the warts of other individuals.
It is also important to be aware that an individual may have the virus even if no type of growth has developed. This is because the virus not always develops into any type of growth. So an individual may transmit the virus without having developed any growth himself. However the individual that has been contaminated may develop the wart.
You can get warts by touching objects that had been touched by other individuals that carry the virus. This includes such objects as towels and shoes.
Some strains of this virus are responsible for genital warts. This strain may be transmitted during sexual activity.
The HPV can be found in many places and so you can get it from those places as well. Viruses have a tendency to remain dormant but alive for several months or even years when they are outside the body. They may start to multiply and increase their activity when they are in a body.
The human papilloma virus can be found in moist and warm places. It may lie on the floors of swimming pools, bathrooms, showers, gyms and locker rooms. So walking bare footed in these places increases the chances that you can get the virus through a small cut or scratch in you feet or other parts of your body.
If you are contaminated with the virus you can contaminate other areas of you body as well. This occurs by scratching your wart and touching other areas of your body. Children are particular known to have this type of habits.

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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Get Rid of Face Warts But Beware of That Scar!

Warts on the face are small, rough and raised bumps on the face. They are both quite common and harmless. The only problem usually relates to aesthetic reasons. It is a fact that no one likes to have these 'horrible creatures' on one's face.
The warts on the face have a tendency to group in clusters. Sometimes these clusters may grow up to 100 warts, but usually the clusters are much smaller. They are generally of two types: flat warts or common warts.
Children have the tendency to have more warts on the face than other individuals. This may be in part because their immune system is less strong than that of adults. The immune system helps to fight viruses and bacteria. Facial warts are in fact a viral infection caused by the human papilloma virus or HPV. The HPV is contagious and enters from cuts or scratches in the skin.
You can get rid of face warts by various methods. They range from surgical procedures, over the counter treatments and home treatments.
Surgical procedures such as cryosurgery, laser therapy and electosurgery need to be done by a professional physician. They are quite painful and the healing process may take some time. You may also have to go for more than one visit to treat the same wart.
Further more they may leave a scar. This is a very negative aspect. Remember that you are treating the face and any scar left is as ugly as the removed wart, and it is very noticeable!
Because of these and other problems, it is debatable if such wart removal methods are practical to treat children.
Other types of treatments involve over the counter medicine such as creams, and gels.
There are also various home treatments such as using duct tape, garlic, vinegar and other home methods that have been used for many years.
At all times keep it always in mind that here you are treating the face. Some of the over the counter and home wart removal methods may be quite acidic and may leave a scar. Although they may be adequate to treat other type of warts such as foot warts, they may not be adequate to treat the face. A little scar under your foot is seldom visible.
It is a very different story if you have a scar or scars on your face. Be well informed about any method you use and its side effects. If you are in doubt seek a second opinion. Do not leave anything to chance.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Your Warts - 4 Ways to Improve Your Immune System to Fight Them in a Natural Way

Warts are caused by a virus called the human papilloma virus or HPV. This virus is contagious and you can get it from other individuals or contaminated places. Children are more prone to get it. Most probably this occurs because they have a less strong immune system then older individuals do.
The immune system defends our bodies from such intruders as viruses and harmful bacteria. It is therefore very advantageous to learn how to strengthen your immune system and so be more able to fight the human papilloma virus. This will reduce the chances of getting warts.
You can improve your immune system by:
• Eating the right foods - Eat a lot of green vegetables such as broccoli. Eat plenty of food that contains proteins. Refrain from eating junk foods such as hamburgers and hot dogs. Try to minimize your intake of chocolate and coffee or any other beverage or food that contains caffeine. Eliminate refined sugars from you diet. Do not replace sugar by refined sweeteners since the latter may be in reality even more harmful.
• Drink a lot of water -Water is a purifying agent. It is amazing how many people are not getting enough water nowadays. Some headaches may be only a sign that you are not drinking enough water.
• Sleep adequately - The normal adult needs approximately 8 hours of sleep each night. The amount of hours needed depends on age; they usually decrease as one advances in age.
• Eliminate smoking or alcohol from your life. - Both smoking and alcohol deplete your immune system. If you are not a heavy smoker or a heavy drinker you can greatly improve your immune system making you more capable to fight the human papilloma virus and so less prone to develop warts.

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Sunday, June 3, 2012

How to Remove Skin Moles by Electrosurgery

Electrosurgery or electrocautery is a surgical procedure that can be used to remove skin moles. The process involves the application of an instrument heated by an electric current on the area in consideration. It may also involve the physician cutting the skin mole off.

It is important to have a general check-up before this skin moles treatment and you should inform you physician about any medical condition you might have prior to this treatment. Inform you physician also if you are allergic to any numbing agent used. This procedure may involve the use of a local anesthetic. Therefore after the anesthetic is applied, and the area cleaned thoroughly, the heated needle or blade is applied on the skin mole. The skin mole is burned and afterwards it is removed by the physician. A specimen may be sent to a laboratory in order to be examined by a pathologist.

After the wound is bandaged, instructions are given so to take appropriate care of the wound. The procedure may be painful and some discomforts may continue for some days even after the treatment. It is important to take the utmost care so to avoid an infection. If an infection is suspected the physician should be contacted immediately.

This skin moles treatment procedure is a quick may to remove your growth but it may also case some scarring. The scarring depends on many factors related to the skin mole removed, the individual being treated as well as other factors. Healing time may be long but this depends also on the healing abilities of the individual.

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Monday, May 28, 2012

Juvenile Warts - What Are Their Characteristics and What Wart Removal Treatment May Be Used

A juvenile wart (also called flat wart) is in reality a benign tumor that causes no real or little physical harm. Juvenile warts are more commonly found in children and adolescents. They usually occur on the face, arms, hands and knees of young individuals.
They are caused by the human papilloma virus or HPV. This is a type of virus that can be found in moist and warm habitats. Therefore it may easily be found in bathroom floors and swimming pool areas.
It usually enters the body from little cuts in the skin. It is particularly important not to walk bare footed in communal showers or on wet floors near swimming pools, in order to limit exposure to the human papilloma virus
The human papilloma virus is contagious and it can be transmitted form one person to another. Sometimes an individual may be a carrier of a virus for several months or even years until it develops into a wart. Because of this it is difficult to determine when the individual had got the virus.
Although juvenile warts pose no or very little health risk, they have the tendency to increase in number. So it is important to treat them as soon as possible.
Another important reason why they should be treated is that they may interfere with the self confidence of the kid or adolescent.
There are many over the counter wart removal treatments. Unfortunately many of these are not effective at all. Some of them may help to kill the wart but remember also that warts have a tendency to re-occur. Some type of wart removal treatment may also damage the skin.
A juvenile wart may also be removed by surgery. These may include:
• Electrosurgery
• Cryosurgery
• Laser therapy.
Electrosurgery uses a heated needle to remove warts. Such a process is however painful, even though aesthesia is administered to reduce pain. Perhaps one of the disadvantages of this wart removal treatment is that it generally leaves a scar.
Cryosurgery involves a process where the juvenile wart is frozen by an instrument. An anesthesia is usually also applied and you may need more than on session for completer removal of the same wart.
Laser therapy involves directing a powerful bean of light to the wart so to burn it. This type of treatment may be quite expensive especially if you have a large number of warts.
Alternative and home treatments for warts may also be used to effectively treat your juvenile warts. Although some of these methods produce little results, others are known to be quite effective and have been used for many years.

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Sunday, May 20, 2012

Warts and Your Way of Life

Your way of life has a huge impact on your warts.
You should limit the intake of certain foods such as the so called junk foods, fried foods, additives, sugars and margarine. Nowadays these are very common and are both quite handy and tasty. But being tasty does not mean that they are doing any good for your warts.
Refrain from drinking beverages that contain caffeine. These include in particular many soft drinks, coffee and tea. Pay particular attention to foods that contain aspartame. Beverages that contain aspartame may be low in calories but aspartame is surely not the best food you can take for your health.
Drink a lot of water. Remember that our body is largely made of water and water has purifying properties.
Try to avoid stress as far as possible. If you find this to be difficult try first to avoid stressful situations such as places where there are elevated sound levels, overcrowding, traffic jams and try to avoid situations where you have lack of control.
Try to avoid polluted environment as far as possible since poisonous gases are a major cause of many physical and psychological alignments.
It is a good idea to include physical exercise into your routine. This has various advantages. Physical exercise reduces stress and helps to counter the effects of depression.
There are many types of physical exercise you can do. Perhaps one of the most beneficial is jogging in the countryside. This has the advantages of exercising in a non-stressful and non-polluted environment.
Physical exercise may also make you sweat and this has a purifying effect. A sauna can also induce sweating and so consider this relaxation method as well.
It is important to keep a balance in everything you do. Remember that we are not physical beings but also spiritual beings.

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